Need help dealing with violent or distressing online content? Learn more

Presentations for businesses

eSafety presentations for businesses address the online safety issues that matter to your staff both at home and in the workplace.

eSafety presentations are free and delivered by our expert education and training team. A minimum of 50 participants is required.

Current presentations

An introduction to tech-based abuse and your role as a first responder

This presentation will cover:

  • types of tech-based abuse and harms experienced by adults
  • practical skills in responding effectively to someone experiencing tech-based abuse
  • eSafety’s reporting functions and resources.


Keeping safer online at home and work

This presentation will cover:

  • an overview of the eSafety’s functions and the latest online safety research and behaviour trends
  • a variety of online safety issues faced by children, young people and adults, including cyberbullying, adult cyber abuse, inappropriate content and technology-facilitated abuse
  • strategies for parents and carers to help their families have safe, enjoyable experiences online.

The business presentation highlights that online safety and security tips learnt at work are also useful at home.


Promoting your presentation

A minimum of 50 participants is required for eSafety to schedule a presentation. 

eSafety can provide you with materials to promote your presentation and help increase attendance, including an overview of the content, a photo and bio of the trainer. 

Some suggestions for promotion include:

  • sending a calendar invite to participants 
  • adding details to internal screens
  • communicating via internal chat platforms
  • emailing reminders
  • displaying posters around communal areas
  • doing desk drops of flyers about the session
  • adding a news article to your intranet.

Can my organisation live stream the presentation?

Yes, the presentation can be live streamed. However, it cannot be recorded or shared outside your organisation. 

Find more information in our training and presentation FAQ page.

Other sectors

Our education and training team also provides presentations for:

Community presentations

Do you work or interact closely with young people? Learn more about how our community presentations can bring you up to speed with the latest online trends and empower you to deal with online safety issues all Australians may face.

Last updated: 03/07/2024