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Resources for sport

Resources for sport
Resources for sport

Share positive online messages at your sport and find more information about online safety with these resources.

On this page:


This mum
This neighbour
This sister
This best mate
This dad

sees this after the weekend
sees this after the game
sees this after the final
because they coach.
because they ref.
because they participate in sport.

Respect is the #1 rule on the field.
Respect is the #1 rule at the track.
Respect is the #1 rule on the court.
Respect is the #1 rule in the water.
Respect is the #1 rule in sport.

The same goes online/offline.
There's no place for online abuse in sport.
Let's #PlayItFairOnline.

There's no place for online abuse in sport

Sport doesn’t just happen at the field, on the water, court or at the track – it's online too, and respect is still the number one rule. eSafety has online safety tips and resources to help you #PlayItFairOnline.

Download the supporter toolkit

Click or tap on the file name to open and download the supporter toolkit.

Download social media tiles

Click or tap on the 'Download now' button for each set of social media tiles. 

Download: Respect is the #1 rule in sport social tiles

2x thumbnails of social media tiles that say 'Respect is the #1 rule in sport'



Download: There's no place for online abuse in sport social tiles

2x thumbnails of social media tiles that say 'There's no place for online abuse in sport'



Download: What you say online matters social tiles

2x thumbnails of social media tiles that say 'What you say online matters'



Download posters

Click or tap on the file name to open and download each of the posters.

More training and tailored advice

Additional training resources

Education and training of sport members is important. eSafety offers a range of training:

You can also:

  • Visit the eLearning resource on cyber security and safety in sport, from Sport Integrity Australia
  • Contact your sport organisation who may have education programs.

Tailored online safety advice for more audiences

eSafety has extensive resources that are useful for sport organisation and sport members:

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day is a global event that brings together communities, families, schools and organisations from more than 200 countries to help create safer online spaces. Held in February each year, it’s a chance to join with eSafety and share positive messages about online behaviour. 

Get your sport organisation involved and sign up now.

Subscribe to eSafety newsletters

The eSafety Commissioner is here to help keep Australians safe online. Sign up to our newsletter for ideas, resources and support.

Other useful resources

In the first instance, always reach out to your National or State sport organisation. They may policies, education and programs in place for online safety.

Last updated: 20/06/2024