Making good choices online

About this resource
Target audience
Middle primary, Upper primary
Type of resource
Slides, Lesson plan
40-minute lesson
Australian curriculum
Key learning areas
General capabilities
Topic: Making good choices
Download materials:
Our video and resource library has a range of videos and animations to complement this lesson.
Key outcomes
By the end of the learning students will be able to:
- Think before acting in a way that may affect or upset others.
- Consider the best choice of action using the TEC – think, evaluate, choose (T.E.C) tool to achieve the best outcome for everyone.
- Understand the need to discuss choices with a trusted adult.
Using this resource
- Guide the whole class through the Making good choices online slide deck.
- Use the teaching notes to reinforce key messages and generate deeper discussion.
- Ask students to complete the personal reflection activity.
Module Slides – Making good choices online
The presentation explores three different scenarios asking students to place themselves in the shoes of Tom’s character and decide what he should do in each online.